Samsung has released the new Galaxy Core Prime smartphone in the Indian market. The phone is now available at brick and mortar stores as well as eBay India. You can now purchase it online for INR 9,275 and we expect similar price-tag in the offline stores.
At this price-tag, Samsung Galaxy Core Prime offers a 4.5-inch WVGA PLS display, 1.2GHz quad-core processor, 1GB of RAM and Android 4.4. The phone also comes with 5MP rear camera, 2MP front shooter and 2000 mAh battery. In addition, Samsung has included 8GB of internal storage, microSD card slot, and 3Gsupport in the Galaxy Core Prime.
At this price-tag, the phone will have a hard time competing with smartphones like Asus Zenfone 5, Moto E, Zenfone 4 A450CG, Xiaomi Redmi 1S, and Moto G (2013).
Samsung releases Galaxy Tab S 10.5 Wi-Fi version
In related news, Samsung has released the Wi-Fi only version Galaxy Tab S 10.5 in the country. It is now available at brick and mortar stores for INR 34,500. We haven’t been able to find any e-retailers offering the tablet. There is no word on whether Samsung plans to release a Wi-Fi only version of Galaxy Tab S 8.4 too.
To remind you, Samsung Galaxy Tab S 10.5 features Android 4.4, 3GB of RAM, 16GB of internal storage, 8MP rear camera, 2MP front shooter, 1.9GHz Exynos 5 Octa processor and 2560x1600pp display.